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IoT Technology for a Greener World , SIMCom's Carbon Neutrality Efforts

2022-04-01 17:23:37

As a result of the global agreement led bythe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)reachedin Paris in 2015,the international society hadset out the trajectory for achieving zero global emissions and carbon neutralityto avoid exceeding a 2-Celsius global temperature rise by 2050. The ambitious commitment of carbon neutrality has been recognized by most countries,organizations, companies and people all over the world as we all know the disastrous outcomes global warming will bring to us. SIMCom is also the one among them making its relentless efforts to reduce carbon emissions through all accessible methods.


SIMCom has set up branch companies across five cities in China and dozens of offices around the world. To minimize carbon footprints in these offices is a reasonable starting point for SIMCom to carry out the decarbonizing practices. Recycling papers and stationery, saving water and power, all these office regulations were issued with stringent penalties at first. Gradually, they have become habits for every one. On the other hand , to simplify management processes and to adopt OA systems when deal with office routines have not only optimized the efficiency but also curbed potential carbon emissions within such a large international organization as SIMCom .


If to run the offices in a greener way is just a leaf, then to empower the products for daily life of millions of people in a revolutionary way must be the forest that SIMCom has devoted to in the last two decades.

For example, with SIMCom NB-IoT modules, the construction of of smart water, natural gas and power supply networks can be easily integrated with the IoT technology , which transits data from meters installed in every household to the management center. Accurate and timely data can be valid reference for suppliers to monitor the consumption of these fundamental resources in the society so as to plan out corresponding strategies to optimize distribution.



Transport accounts for 21% of global carbon emissions. It is now the largest emitting sector in many developed countries. Public bus system is one of the most environment-friendly options for transport. SIMCom and its partner made it much more easier to pay by integrating modules within payment terminals on bus so that passengers may scan the payment code or utilize NFC  with a smart phone to take bus. Beneath these simple actions, it is the SIMCom modules that transmit the data to the service platform and then the transaction get completed remotely. Getting rid of coins or paper money could be a fair incentive for people to choose public transport. Because of that, huge amount of emissions were reduced indirectly for its massive capacity .


Similar to the bus case, public bicycle sharing has become remarkably popular in recent years, which offers a convenient and much greener option for short range transport in urban areas. SIMCom modules play an important role in enabling user to search for ,unlock and return the bike anywhere as those actions are all under the premise of real-time data transmission and the positioning function integrated in the modules.



Besides traditional energy consumption and transport, SIMCom modules are also indispensable factors in the development of electric vehicles. Not to mention modules are essential to smart electric vehicle to connect the internet, SIMCom products are also applied in charging stations for people to search for the stations and completing payments. At the meantime , the charging station operator can also monitor and manage the station remotely as modules can pass on command and bring back real-time situations over there by virtue of the capabilities of high throughput ,high speed and high accuracy data communication.


All these innovative applications of SIMCom products have done a little bit contribution each time to carbon neutrality. Meanwhile, SIMCom also strives to minimize carbon emissions in its supply chain and TDP R&D for each product. When those tiny changes accumulate for a time long enough, amazing things will happen for sure, which could be one of the most practical ways to slow down climate change from the perspective of technology and business.

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